- kangaroo court
- суд "кенгуру́", паро́дия на суд (незаконное разбирательство)
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
kangaroo court — n. A court that is completely biased against one party and therefore disregards that party’s rights and delivers a judgment or verdict that is unfair to him or her; a trial in a kangaroo court is considered a sham without legal authority. The… … Law dictionary
kangaroo court — kangaroo courts N COUNT (disapproval) If you refer to a court or a meeting as a kangaroo court, you disapprove of it because it is unofficial or unfair, and is intended to find someone guilty … English dictionary
kangaroo court — When people take the law into their own hands and form courts that are not legal, these are known as kangaroo court … The small dictionary of idiomes
kangaroo court — n an unofficial court that punishes people unfairly … Dictionary of contemporary English
kangaroo court — noun count INFORMAL a court that is not official and is organized to punish someone whether they have committed a crime or not … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
kangaroo court — ► NOUN ▪ an unofficial court formed by a group of people to try someone regarded as guilty of an offence … English terms dictionary
kangaroo court — ☆ kangaroo court n. [said to be so named because its justice progresses by leaps and bounds] Informal 1. an unauthorized, irregular court, usually disregarding normal legal procedure, as one in a frontier region 2. any tribunal in which judgment… … English World dictionary
Kangaroo court — A kangaroo court is a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted .[1] The outcome of a trial by kangaroo court is essentially determined in advance, usually for the purpose of ensuring conviction, either by … Wikipedia
kangaroo court — 1. n. a bogus or extra legal court. □ Is this a newspaper office or a kangaroo court? □ You have turned this interview into a kangaroo court. 2. n. a legally convened court operating unjustly. □ “Let me out of this kangaroo court,” muttered Fred … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
kangaroo court — {n.} A self appointed group that decides what to do to someone who is supposed to have done wrong. * /The Chicago mob held a kangaroo court and shot the gangster who competed with Al Capone./ … Dictionary of American idioms
kangaroo court — {n.} A self appointed group that decides what to do to someone who is supposed to have done wrong. * /The Chicago mob held a kangaroo court and shot the gangster who competed with Al Capone./ … Dictionary of American idioms